Ryan Drobny


Occasionally, I will detail my thoughts on certain initiatives or resolutions here.

Several initiatives on Washington voters' ballots in 2024 will be there in large part due to the design of one hedge fund manager.

Approving I-2117 would repeal the state's Climate Commitment Act (CCA) and bar state agencies from instituting carbon cap & trade programs in the future. The argument for approval, from my perspective, is largely that gas costs have gone up as a result of the CCA's auction system. The "gas tax" supporters will tout. Ultimately, we should be doing everything in our power to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels. Whether the CCA as written is the right way, I do not know, but would hazard to guess it almost certainly is not.

However, repealing it without a replacement plan, and banning future programs is downright insane considering the climate emergency our planet is facing. The CCA should be scrutinized, improved upon, and Washingtonians should hope it serves as a guide for policy elsewhere.

Vote No on I-2117