Ryan Drobny

My Now page

Last updated September 2024

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Where am I?

Living in the Inland Northwest (Spokane, Washington, USA)

What am I doing?

I am raising 2 kids - ages 6 and 4 - with my wife. I am pretty consistently getting to the gym 2-3 times per week.

I finished my MPH this past spring and am focusing on my work in Public Health. Specifically, I am investigating how to best approach climate change, climate resiliency, and community adaptation from the perspective of a local health jurisdiction.

This summer, I also joined the local branch of the volunteer non-profit organization, 350 Spokane, as a board member. The group aims to promote a just transition away from fossil-fuels and a low-carbon economy. Climate change is a threat to all life on Earth.

Here in Spokane, my colleagues and I are encouraging Washington voters to vote NO on a few initiatives this November that aim to undermine climate progress: No on I-2117 and No on I-2066.